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Community Corner

Hot Temperature Forces Locals to Search For Cool Escape

Today's high of 99 has many reaching for their air conditioners and in search of cooler buildings.

Perhaps the warmer than usual April and May were just a warm up for this week. After last month’s average temperature of 73 degrees, the heat continued to skyrocket with this week’s advisories.

The first day of summer started off with a bang on Wednesday as the . After a day that saw temperatures reach 94 degrees, things are only expected to get worse in the short term. According to the NWS, Thursday's high expected to reach 99 and the heat advisory states that heat index values could have reached up to 105 degrees by this afternoon.

According to the NWS, “Heat indices up to 105 degrees will result in dangerous conditions for those spending prolonged periods of time outside." The advisory is effective for 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday. The National Weather Service forecasts a high of 94 for Friday with a more tolerable high of 80 for both Saturday and Sunday.

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Over at the , member families stopped by the facility’s indoor pool to get a quick escape from the heat.

“Wednesday was a bit busier than usual," said Aquatics Director Brianne McNamara. "Family swim in the indoor pool which ran from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5:30 to 8 p.m. were very popular for families attempting to get some relief from the heat.”

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With the , the local branch of the YMCA expects to be able to accommodate more people on hotter days.

For some the heat is unavoidable. Frank Sturm, who helps out with his family’s lawn care business that does work around Wrentham and Foxborough when he is not working for a health care company in Wellesley, has to fight the heat when he is working for the family.

“It just comes down to planning accordingly and knowing what you can and cannot do,” Sturm said. “Honestly it comes down to taking your time, drinking water, or some drink that is going to replenish the nutrients you lose.”

On the hotter days, Sturm admits that it’s best to plan around the heat and try to do the more strenuous work on the cooler days if possible.

While Sturm is forced to deal with the hot weather, others like Jay Balsavich of Foxborough is doing what he can to stay away from the heat. Usually waiting to turn on the AC until mid-July, the high temperatures forced him to break the habit. Taking the advice of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) to stay on the lowest floor, he has spent most of his time at home in his finished basement when he is not working or out.

Balsavich also said he was avoiding exercising outside and other strenuous outdoor activities. When asked for his preferred weather, he said 70-80 with a nice breeze and no humidity.

While towns across Massachusetts have opened up emergency cooling centers, neither Foxborough nor Wrentham have opened up any.

The Wrentham Senior Center is open and anyone who needs a place to cool down is encouraged to stop by.

The Foxborough Senior Center is also open for anyone looking to cool down. Currently, the center runs a room called the Coffee Connection that is open to all. The room is a place to socialize and enjoy food and beverages courtesy of Honey Dew Donuts. On Wednesday night, the center held a senior supper that helped some of the elderly escape the heat.

In the meantime, residents are being advised to drink plenty of water, limit outdoor activities if they can, and seek shelter in air-conditioned buildings such as a movie theater, shopping center, library, or any community center that can provide an escape from the heat. When outside, make sure to wear a sunscreen lotion that has a high SPF (Sun Protection Factor) rating.

For more tips on beating the heat call MEMA’s 211 service or check out some suggestions on their website.

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